Yes, low interest rates feed and/or foster inflation.

From a farmer/country boy point of view, there's only 2 ways out of this mess, re: the national debt

1. New currency/ clearing the books and starting over.

2. Inflation- if we can run 3% inflation, we can pay back the debt for 40 cents on the dollar, that's why the bigs like moderate inflation. Issue is, they have been " stimulating " since TARP in '08. Europe also, and it's not been happening, actually the opposite in lots of economies.

But, the money being printed in 2020 WILL start the inflation train, IMO.( Unless the dems just flat shut down the country...) Guy needs to borrow as much as he can at 2% HELOC and use that money to make more, IMO. I'm thinking about digging a pond and building a nice big machine shed, with a concrete heated floor shop. wink If I can talk the banker into it at 3%, I will join the ranks of the folks going to the Church of Here and Now, hahaha.

Cowardice is the greatest pandemic that has ever affected mankind.