Originally Posted by DrDeath
Originally Posted by aalf

Seller makes a mistake, full refund, including return shipping.

Buyer's remorse....generally tough shlt.....best he could expect is refund on item's cost, minus seller's original shipping expense.

Either way, items get returned first, then monies refunded, as long as item is returned in the as sold condition.

How about a seller doesn’t make a mistake and after pictures and the sellers description once in the hands of the buyer he thinks the sellers description and his (the buyer) are not quite the same !? Who pays the shipping back?

It all comes down to the seller feeling confident that his description was honest and accurate.

The old saying "Under Promise and Over Deliver".

If you are the seller and your description was honest that is all the information you need.

If you are the buyer and you feel the description was egregiously false... either take your lumps or start a call out thread.

If you are not actively engaging EVERY enemy you encounter... you are allowing another to fight for you... and that is cowardice... plain and simple.