Make a mental note of who they are. When the smoke clears never do business with them again. Tell all your friends about them too.

I simply cannot wrap my head around this sort of logic.

Primers and ammo are a commodity, and prices fluctuate with the market....how people struggle with this is beyond me. I have no issue with how a business prices non-essential goods, primarily because I not only don't have to shop there, but I am not forced to buy at their prices.

If the price is more than double the current pricing of competitors then I consider it gouging.

Lol, you can't be serious. Are you at all involved in stocks or investing?

I have fought, bled, and seen men die so I and others can live free.

What in the hell does this have to do with primer prices??

Most should agree that is gouging

Based on what, you simply not liking the price?