Glad that you were able to write this.

Sometimes parts that the stroke screwed up start working better in time.

Hope it does for you.

Me and my Father in law were going to a gun shop in Hobbs NM,while stopped at a stop sign i noticed that he was trying to get to his nitro and could open the vial.

never made it to the shop i got him to the hospital and they gave him a shot of something and shipped him off to the big city.

He never said thank you.

The reason i knew was my Father went to a doc appointment and on the way home told Mom he was tired and wanted to take a nap.

After 20-30 minutes she had a hard time waking him up.

She got him to the hospital and they had found he had a blood clot in his brain.

He took months to get some kind of normal life back but he made it.

Don't give up HOPE.