I've got one to run by you folks, as I've been tryng to figure out how to handle it. My property is rough country, but right off a highway, and WAPA has an easement across the top to a microwave tower. A couple months ago, a local from the nearby town approached me and said, "I need to let you know about something." Apparently his brother-in-law , a WAPA employee, had loved that country when he, legally, used the easement in his job. His family had him cremated, and they, without permission, scattered his ashes and build a small monument out of rocks somewhere on my property. They never asked, and according to the local who told me about it, they visit at least once a year...again without permission. I told the local to have them contact me, soon. What's done is done, I do respect the dead, but I wanted the family to ask permission before entering, and said to tell them I would grant such permission under normal circumstances, but would deny it if the fire conditions were high.

No one has contacted me. I'm going to find that memorial so I know where it is. If I catch them, I am apt to tell them that I will respect their deceased family member about as much as they have respected my private property rights. But then I start to feel badly, as you can't regather ashes too easily.