Originally Posted by wyo1895
If he is going to get filthy rich he must have a different publisher than I have. I would have to sell almost a million copies of the Collector's Guide to get a million bucks in royalties. My next royalty check is due by next Friday. I bet they forgot to send it again.

Definitely won't be getting filthy rich. But mine also won't be a reference guide you'll find on Amazon or in Barnes & Noble soon, because doing the "global distribution" thing through book dealers gives an immediate 50% of the book price to the dealer as profit and would remove pretty much all profit I made unless I bump the price up. Pretty much like they do to you.

So I'll probably sell a limited number of books myself for you guys and to take to gun shows/etc, and then there will be an online store available to buy your own copies from for as long as you want. It won't be a printing run of X number of copies.. as long as folks keep ordering it, the books will keep being made. Once the book is available I'll pass that online store link around.

Printed out a sample run on my printer last night.. 108 pages at the moment with all the models from 1895A to 99RMEF and date charts in it. Need to add checkering/engraving chapters, few other things at the end. It looked good. Have to clean up the photos to print brighter, shrinking them down has caused them to print really dark. Getting there, though.

The Savage 99 Pocket Reference”.
All models and variations of 1895’s, 1899’s and 99’s covered.
Also dates, checkering, engraving.. Find at www.savagelevers.com