Originally Posted by Burleyboy
Originally Posted by PaulBarnard
Originally Posted by Burleyboy
I save my prejudice for Subaru drivers with Oregon plates. They love to get in front of you and do 10 under and then floor it to try to stay ahead of you if you try to pass.

Even my wife noticed it on our last Oregon trip. I just told her it was part of the leftist need to try to control complete strangers. Like they say, people who can't control their own feelings feel like they have to control other people.


Subaru drivers are almost always exceptionally courteous to cyclists. Categorically the best.

I spent a summer driving truck in Montana one summer to pay for college. Double belly dumps full of sand or gravel in mountainous area and I've thought differently about cyclists ever since. Nothing like just getting your speed up for the next hill and then having to jam the brakes because some cyclist decides to pull out in front of you and pace car you. Or coming around a curve and running up on a cyclist who pushes you out into oncoming traffic. They should be banned on some roads, it's not like their fuel tax is paying for the road anyways. I've had to creep up too many hills because of cyclists.

If Subaru drivers had their way everyone else besides them wouldn't be allowed a car and would have to bike everywhere.


Fuel tax doesn't come close to covering the cost of roads. Federal and State general funds cover a substantial part of the costs of construction and maintenance. Cyclists pay into the general fund. Ad valorem taxes pay for local roads. Cyclists pay ad valorem taxes.

While cycling, I have never forced anyone to creep up a hill or creep anywhere else for that matter. I have never had a cyclist force me to creep anywhere. I have had tractor trailer drivers linger in the left lane mile after mile.