Originally Posted by Ranger_Green
Originally Posted by las
The solution to Gaza is for Isreal to line up as many dozers as it takes, blade to blade and march to the sea. Heck, put snorkels on the CATS, just to be sure to get them in deep enough at destination.

Wait a minute! Don't want to waste an opportunity: https://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/pro-palestinian-american-protester-killed-israeli-bulldozer

Let's get all our activists in place first.

Sure, and let's go hike the mountains of Iran while we are at it.

Things for an American not to do If you want to live a long life:

1 Stand in front of the Israeli Army, or even their bulldozers.
2 Go into Iran and proselytize Christianity.
3 Cross the DMZ and enter N Korea.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.