Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Are you fricking kidding me? Israel perpetrates horror after horror against the native population of Palestine (to include Christian Palestinians) for seventy plus years, and every once in a while some Palestinians manage to launch some bottle rockets at them, and this is used by Israel to up the violence against their victims another level or two, and we're supposed to cheer them on? crazy

Your obsession with Israel doesn't allow you to see the truth.Your analogy that Israel and all Atheists/Bolshevik Jews are the same,blinds you to the truth.

The Rothchilds may have sponsored Israel as a nation but did you ever think he and his Satanic clan supported the creation of Israel because it would provide another opportunity to profit from conflict.The Rothchilds and Warburgs created fractional banking and the Federal Reserves in order to control the money supply of the world.These cretins have no allegiance to any nation and profit and control are the sole reason for their existence.

There is is no such population as the Palestinians,they are a creation to appose the existence of Israel.If the dune-coons wanted peace then why don't all of the Arab nations contribute some land for these made-up people in which to live?

Communist Goals

26. Present homosexuality and degeneracy as normal.
27. Discredit the Bible.
28. Eliminate prayer in the schools.
