Originally Posted by ironbender
Originally Posted by jdm953
The Jews have been ruled by many people but had a presence in the land. There has never been a Nation ,Country or Kingdom of Palestine.

I have wondered where the historical boundaries of Palestinia are? Anyone able to google a map?

That is impossible to answer. This could take a bit so bare with me. Palestine is Latin for Philistine. You will remember them as an ancient enemy of King David. Goliath was a Philistine. These were an Island people from the Mediterranean that originally came from Europe. They were long gone from history by the time the Romans took Israel. During the Roman occupation of Israel the Hebrews had a revolt that ended at a place called Massada. The Romans were pissed and changed the name of Israel to Palestine. This was to punish the Jews. This would make the boundary of Palestine to be the boundary of Israel at that time. Historically it is all over the place. Let me add this to farther confuse things. We now have an Arab people living in the old Jewish homeland. Going by a Latin name and claiming to be from Europeans.If you are asking about Philistia in the time of King David it is called Gaza today.

Last edited by jdm953; 05/15/21.

Ideas are far more powerful than guns, We dont let our people have guns. Why should we let them have ideas. "Joseph Stalin"

He who has braved youths dizzy heat dreads not the frost of age.