Originally Posted by readonly
Camp Victory, Republic of Georgia, on the border of Azerbaijan. Non-potable water only. Marines there training Georgians for Afghanistan. I was there for a week but some guys there for months. If you tried to eat the food you would chit your brains out. We hired cabs to drive an hour to the nearest town and bring back food. Any place else I saw or heard about if there wasn't hot chow there was at least MREs.

Holy Chit; I was there man! Not many Army guys there at the time. I’m guessing it was 2007-2008 or so when I was there, I can’t remember. I remember being there for a month in the Georgians’ barracks. The toilets were just an elongated “urinal/[bleep]” that extended to the floor. No place to sit to take a dump; you had to “spot and squat/hover” over the dry hole! Totally disgusting and unsanitary. For whatever reason, the running water was cut off in the restrooms in the barracks for a week in the summertime, with no options for the soldiers to relieve themselves. Dysentery ensued. It was absolutely miserable. If you’ve never had dysentery, it’s like your sphincter becomes a fire-hydrant with no turn-off valve. Many a grown man crapped their pants due to this. Lots of them dehydrated to the point of needing an IV

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