No complaints. Varied from pretty decent cafeteria fare, to edible- if-not-good. Deployed, it wasn’t the quality, but logistic’s ability to get it trucked or dropped at all, that was the occasional issue. Always had water, though. Had bigger fish to fry than cry about food.

Best food (outside of catered), was simple fare way back at san Antonio for officer basic. Sweaty omelets, ah yes. Fat azz 3-4 egg omelets done however you like while a couple BIG MOMMAS dripped sweat onto same griddle. Damm they were good! Evidently, that’s the secret?

Last edited by sandcritter; 05/27/21.

Golldammed motion detector lights. A guy can’t even piss off his porch in peace any more.

"Look, I want to help the helpless. It's the clueless I don't give a [bleep] about." - Dennis Miller on obamacare.