We may have discussed this, but have you ever seen the trenches on top of
Snake Spring Mountain. Supposedly there are similar earthenworks up by Claysburg and somewhere in Morrison's Cove (Cove Mtn I think)?

I found this one day Turkey hunting. Just bumbling around up there, i got myself twisted around, and kinda lost. Found a house, followed the driveway out, and found a little pavilion with info on it. Cool as hell. Pass over there all the time, never noticed those "ditches". There is a historical marker, but it's right on top, in the turn. You can begin to read it.

The fear was, Lee would use those mountain passes to access Altoona and
destroy the railroads.

Also, Camp Misery.
At the state line, there was concern that Rebs would come into Cumberland by train, and move up the Valley. They established Camp Misery in the swampy area just north of The Mason Dixon. Lost quite a few guys there, due to dysentery, and other issues due to living in the dam swamp. There's a little memorial to it on the west side of 220.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!