Originally Posted by deflave
If California, Oregon, and Washington wanted to secede, you might think that would be great. But the reality is that they'd be antagonistic toward the (lower) 45 other states. They would refuse use of their ports, and resources, and pay no money toward the repaying of debts that provided them enormous swaths of infrastructure and security. And since they're all dumber than dogschit, they are now leaving the remaining 45 states vulnerable to foreign invasion. Rather than having a pack full of retards on our western boundary, we would end up with China on our western boundary.

Except that queers and transgenders don’t know how to steer a ship, run a dock, drive a forklift or do anything but suck on each other. You tell those guys that Hawaii is paying $5,000.00/month to drug addicts and homos, and they would all leave for greener pastures.

Problem solved, we really don’t need Hawaii.

Originally Posted by RJY66

I was thinking the other day how much I used to hate Bill Clinton. He was freaking George Washington compared to what they are now.