Well it actually did have a lot to do with the Declaration's promise of equality. It was indeed a messy affair all the way around. The South would've had to abandon the notion of Slavery eventually but couldn't see their way to do it at that time. The war was instigated by rich plantation owners that had skin in the game and could ill afford to loose their investment. Most of those asses ran the war and the poor illiterate prideful southern men paid the ultimate price. Lincoln's murder by a Southern sympathizer threw the Reconstruction into chaos. Johnson was a Southern sympathizer and an idiot to boot. Carpetbaggers stole what they could and all in all made the situation much worse in the south for generations to come. Nathan Bedford Forrest abandoned the KKK after he'd seen what it had become. Longstreet, one of the south's greatest tacticians, became a republican and ended up one of the most hated men in the south through no fault of his own. Sherman was actually a southern sympathizer but saw an opportunity for glory and took it after nearly getting institutionalized for insanity. He waged a war of total attrition against southern citizenry and army alike. His march through South Carolina was more deadly and atrocious than Georgia if that can be imagined.

The Civil War should have never happened and there were indeed many underlying reasons other than Slavery but that was the great divider. The South's warm water ports and it's agrarian economy and textile mills were essential to the north and the north's mechanization and steel mills were essential to the south. A weak corrupted central government added to the problem. Lincoln was a decent man. We all have flaws and he did attempt to mollify the southern demands but extending slavery to new territories was not one of his options. He had to fight his own government and prosecute the war at the same time.

We are suffering some of the same problems now. We have a corrupt government that is dividing the citizens. Democrats are up to their old tricks that worked so well in the KKK. Divide and conquer. Fracturing the Nation would have ended in foreign control then and it will now. Look at the idiots in control of many of our states as it is. We must unite to defeat the Goliath Democrat Marxist union that has a grip on the Nation at present. We didn't get this way over night and it won't be fixed easily or soon either but it can and will if we stick together. Fighting a war that ended in the lost treasure of nearly 700K of out men will not bring back the dead nor mollify the living.