Originally Posted by slumlord
Longarm, that’s a lot of paper. 👍

The larvae will continue to develop. I knew of a person that cut one down in late fall thinking all was froze out.

Not so, some were still ‘alive’ and he had about a dozen bugs in his man cave after hanging it up near his wood stove 🤦‍♂️

Good evening to you sir, hopefully the week was a good one for you.

What you said is our experience as well.

Buddy cut down a big nest one time in the fall and brought it into the house and hung it in the living room.

We were having coffee there shortly after and hornets started dropping out onto Jim. Jim didn't like that much as it turned out.

As I recall the nest got stuck in a big microwave after that and no more hornets came out then.

When we did it, I stuck them in a big black plastic bag and gave it a mighty dose of some brand of hornet killer, then closed the bag for a week.

I'm not sure other than as I type this, the Yellow Jacket sting I got two days ago is still itchy....

All the best and good luck to the OP.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"