Originally Posted by Tyrone
Originally Posted by Jim1611
Before I started working for myself my last 2 jobs were in factories and many of the employees in the production area were women. Many of the leads in these areas were lesbians. Everyone knew it. Most treated them as anyone else. Some were pretty mean towards them. I'm very conservative in my beliefs, what some here might call fundamental. My job required me to deal with those in leadership and every one of these women had a high level of respect for me because of how I treated them. Some even asked what I thought of how they chose to live. Though I never approved of their choice in that area I never condemned them. I thought it was a shame for them to throw away their lives in such a way but every one of them were hard workers and trustful people that never caused trouble for anyone. My point in telling this is that these people have every right to live as they like but I will always draw the line at them feeling like it's okay to present their lifestyle as normal and to influence the young to feel that way.

There are right ways & wrong ways to lead people to truth. I think you are doing a good job.

But, it can't stop were you did. There are forums where it is more appropriate to get into how wrong they really are, such as the internet. Not that you personally need to go further, but those who are called, should. I think the pulpit is also a fine place to call out behaviors.

I've yet to be convinced that homosexuals exist. "Homosexual" or similar has been used for ages to slur people who have sick ways of getting off and wrongly to slur people who have some element of effeminate behavior. It was commandeered as an identity as the civil rights era evolved in order to legitimize the behaviors.

The best example of effeminate behavior that has been wrong slurred is the speech pattern we find typical. The speech pattern is usually fake, but when genuine is a symptom of hearing impairment, not sexual preference.

There were more to our conversations but I don't feel posting them here is useful or appropriate. I would need their consent and not about to ask.