Originally Posted by WinterGarden
Hey I'm new here - going to just give my 2 cents
Homo's definitely exist
Preaching 'aint going to get anyone anywhere in this all talk no action society
Though most Christians are good God fearing people - like every other organized religion - it's a scam
The youth of today(say MOST not all of anyone born post 1999) is corrupt [and more importantly useless] walking human filth - misguided product of Hollywood and Silicon Valley
Religion won't save anyone so it's probably not even worth an honest mention
God is the closest thing that can fix this mess and it comes from individuals coming together from an inner urge not dictation

Welcome Winter garden.

You said a couple things that got my attention, so I highlighted them.

As you can see, homos exist at the Campfire in far more numbers than I ever thought. If they aren't, then they certainly go through a LOT of trouble defending even those who attack churches and blow them up. I think the best about someone unless they go out of their way to persuade me otherwise. That means, I have an open door policy with you and others who just posted. Feel free to PM anytime, once you are provided that feature. It'll take a while, but be patient. Watch out for the drunkin trolls who have nothing better to do than attack anything decent....like NV and company.

That said, you mentioned that religion won't save anyone.
Did you know that the Bible proves that to be true?
The only good thing I can think of that it says about religion is in James...

"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world."

This is a definition of a good religious practice...
If you read the whole first chapter, you'll see that.religion cannot pay for any signs. It cannot save one from hell.

That leaves us in a mess, like you said, and only God can fix it.

I'm not sure if new sign ups have access to our signatures that you may find at the bottom of the posts. Can you see mine there?
It will have two links after" Man's greatest need..."

Last edited by Happy_Camper; 07/24/21.