Until the counting stops were stuck. Sometimes I wonder if Arizona actually wants to get the actual count. They and we all know what happened. What happens when it’s proven will determine what goes on after that. That old BS about “we just want the truth so we can fix future elections “ is an outright lie and we all know it.
Until this election is put right and the people that created the fraud are punished we can maverick go forward.
Pelosi, McConnell and the establishment have made it clear that they have no problem with ordering our military to go against the constitution and attack the citizens that step out of line. The Patriot Act allows our corrupt agencies to monitor our communications. What you going to do go back to smoke signals?
As I see it our only path forward is for citizens in those states that illegally confirmed Biden to make their Legislators commit to A FULL FORENSIC AUDIT and confirm the fraud. Then it’ll be up to us all to cause such a ruckus that they’ll have no alternative but to remove Biden’s sorry ass.
Trump must be reinstated as soon as possible. In the meantime it would be nice if citizens of all states come together and CLOSE THE BORDER.