What's wrong with our nation is that evil has been given a free hand at everything. I'm reminded of this quote from Tocqueville, "America is great because America is good". I've read that all my life. Now if you do an internet search everything comes up saying he never said that. Rewriting history comes to my mind. Nothing that was once a true reliable standard is left alone. Deliberate too.

I wonder how much prayer was devoted to the efforts of our Founding? It should begin with that. What holds many back this very day are values they learned from being influenced by God. Thou shalt not kill, steal, etc. I believe the Founders went through those very same thoughts and tried at all cost to avoid bloodshed but somehow they got the green light from God and they never looked back. So you guys that want to take our nation back by force. I've been ready for a long time. I don't want my conscience to get in the way though. I want to do as Stonewall Jackson once said, "draw your swords and throw the scabbard away"!