Ahhhhhh OBM. Offshore.

Top 4 oh chits....

4. Swivel packing going out on Varco top drive.

3. Mud pump pop offs weren’t plumbed anywhere. Can fug up a pump room quicker than hand can call driller on guitronics.

2. Worm shaker hand closed gates on ditch. Shakers were over running. Filled up ditch. And deck. Luckily didn’t go over kick plate.

1. Flow line came apart @ dresser sleeve under rig floor. Covered platform. And walkway and satellite platform.
Co man: did any go in the water?
Night Toolpusher: i don’t *think* so.
Co man: good deal. 😂 resumes watching Gunsmoke.


�The man who complains about the way the ball bounces is likely to be the one who dropped it.� Lou Holtz