Drilled a hole over in the Jefferson, Tx. area. RR tracks ran along side the road, but there was a curve in the road and tracks. Now trains cant turn like a car, so you could see 1/4 mile in either direction where the location road crossed the tracks. RR threw a fit and took the oil co. to court, because the location road crossed the tracks in the curve. They settled, giving the oil co. 90 days to drill, test, and plug if it was a dry hole. If they made a well, the rig had to be out by 90 days and the oil co. had to build another road into the location. The oil co. had to hire laid off RR workers to man the crossing 24/7. 3 trains a day came down that track, but every time we crossed the tracks, we had to stop and wait for the RR workers to roll down their window and wave a green flag. They also put up a 8x16 bill board that had instructions on how to stop, wait, and only cross if directed.

Last edited by Oldman03; 09/05/21. Reason: kant spel

Old Turd- Deplorable- Unrepentant Murderer- Domestic Violent Extremist

Just "Campfire Riffraff and Trash"

This will be my last post! Flave 1/3/21