Good day sir, I see your light is on and hope you're all doing okay.

I hope your fire situation is at least calming down a wee bit with the cooler nights. We've still had no significant rain which we could really use for sure.

There's been 3 fires now down here on PIB land in the past week and a bit. Strange coincidence that, no?

Last night I was watching a podcast of Danica Patrick with Jordan Peterson which was really pretty good on a lot of levels. Anyways one thing that he repeated was that if parents or governments make too many rules, they both need to be enforced to be effective and as well when there is a perception that there are too many or they are unfair, kids and people begin to ignore them.

To my way of thinking that's the fine line that the Liberals have hurdled across with firearms, just as they did with the registry. People just ignored it on many levels and idiotic laws made otherwise pillars of society into criminals.

There's a darker danger as well in that some folks I knew would stay on the side of right as long as it suited their purposes for the most part. If too many rules caused them to switch to the "dark side" so to speak, then all bets were off.

We very much saw this out here with grow ops in our part of the world. People thought it was stupid that they couldn't puff the devil's lettuce when they had a mind to and took steps to address that.

Anyways, historically speaking, too many rules never works. Certainly not in the long term.

That said, it seems like every batch of politicians we get either can't grasp basic historical facts or think they're special and will somehow be exempt from things even their parents were subject to. In Sparkle Socks' case, either Pierre or Fidel - take your pick really - made enough mistakes it should make the course obvious for him, but alas.... wink

Good luck on your hunts this fall 673 and lets hope this election works in our favor for a change.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"