Just back from 2 weeks camping with our daughter and 1 week alone with my dog (3 days of hunting sharptails - trip pictures to be posted later this week) and it was nice to stay away from the COVID / election news. I do see and smile at the drop in support for the Liberals which was something I had hoped for prior to leaving.

Coming back I have been surprised that there has been no media coverage of corruption in government and the ethics violations that have occurred over the last 6 years. Surely this item should be discussed in the debates but has been left off. The implication is that Canadians are fine with this behaviour and it is a non topic of interest to the average Canadian voter. Have we turned into a banana republic where corruption by a governing party backed up by a 3rd place finisher is now the acceptable standard?

This mornings article by Rex Murphy is a good one and needs to be splashed around.

