Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by victoro
Originally Posted by centershot
Originally Posted by CGPAUL
Yea, cause everyone is sitting on their asses..get up and get moving..

I had one the end of July this year........53 years old, 180lbs. I ride my Mountain bike over 2,000 miles per year and have for at least the last 10 years. I hike, hunt in the mountains of So. Idaho. I stay in shape all year long but still took a ride in the Air St. Luke's Helicopter and now have 2 new stints in my heart. Sure a lot of 400 pounders around that have not had a heart attack yet. Damned if I know why I had one, but it happened. Good news is that I feel better than I have in years and since getting my plumbing fixed have shot a P&Y antelope and raghorn bull elk with my bow. Plan on adding mule deer to that list here in a couple weeks.

BTW: No covid shot before my heart attack.

Do you eat a lot of sugar? Too much sugar inflames your artery walls and causes cholesterol to attach to them to protect them.

I'm also curious. Fit guys are not immune from cholesterol issues, or high blood pressure.

History of heart issues on both parents sides. No covid that I know of. Wife had it last fall, but I tested negative? Blood pressure is good and has been for years. Cholesterol especially triglycerides are naturally high but have been on drugs for ~10 years to help control that. I've had my share of cheese burgers and steaks but not an inordinate amount. Some sugar, but not for the last 10 years. Type II diabetic which doesn't help. Cardiac doc says just luck of the draw. He has seen 400 pounders and crack addicts with perfect arteries and clean living 40 year olds with heart disease.

FWIW: I have had 2 friends die this year of heart attacks. One a couple months older than me and another a year younger. So I actually feel lucky that mine was caught and fixed. If your chest feels weird and you have any of the other symptoms (numbness, tight chest, fatigue, etc.) go get checked out.

Last edited by centershot; 10/02/21.

A true sportsman counts his achievements in proportion to the effort involved and fairness of the sport. - S. Pope