Originally Posted by joken2

Got another text this evening from my RN daughter regarding troubling heart issues her coworkers have experienced after getting the covid vaccine inoculations:

" There was another nurse that works here who got the vaccine early on...I remember she started shaking all over & they called an ambulance for her. They treated it like an allergic reaction & nobody really said anything else. I overheard her today talking about having to see a cardiologist & they can't figure out why she's having heart problems. I'd say she's in her 30s.

And there's the RN that had to wear the Holter monitor thing for having episodes where her heart races & she gets so dizzy that she has to pull off the side of the road. She goes back 11/2 for her results.

And the RN I share my office with currently just admitted that she went for her normal doctor visit because she has rheumatoid arthritis...and they told her she has an irregular heart rhythm. And the clinic employee health nurse just pressured her to get a booster. "

I had the moderna version at the VA. probably 4 or 5 months ago.... this past week I had an episode where I had to go to ER.. first time I've been in one, where I wasn't working in one... and that has been 40 years ago...right now I've been wearing a Zio Patch for a week and have to wear it another week, and then send it in to some place, they gave me the mail in, prepaid kit. This was done after seeing my doctor last Monday.

Said I had tachycardia, BP was jumping up to 215/136, and the monitor said I had AFib. ER Doc said she wasn't concerned. but that is what the managed health care people tell her to say....have had no more episodes since then. the local hospital where my son and wife work, were following the Biden and Queen Kate demands, of get the shot or be fired.... yesterday was D Day.... a full hospital not only full, but with patients in overflow areas... they are even putting patients in Tents like a Mobil Army Hospital.... with this going on, the Hospital let 40% of them medical staff go for refusing the shots.... they are paying an arm and a leg to bring in Traveling Nurses and even physicians... the ER Doc I saw last week was one of those... from New York... she sure doesn't fit into Oregon, that is for sure...

This whole affair is just making this Covid Plandemic a bigger Schitt show. I maintain, this is being forced on the nation by the democRats, to indoctrinate us all for when the time they turn the nation Communist.... Biden "beating Trump" is part of the big plan.... I also seriously wonder if this shot is to be a catalyst, for the next virus they are going to release when they run this one for all they can get out of it...actually I seriously believe it is. I was an NBC officer in the Army, on top of my medical training...What is happening with this Covid crap was in our training on exactly how the government could use Chemical and Biological Warfare, so topple governments and control internal politics in foreign governments. Said nothing about using it on our own population.... but its going right down the line of the material we were presented with and trained in.

"Minus the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the Country" Marion Barry, Mayor of Wash DC

“Owning guns is not a right. If it were a right, it would be in the Constitution.” ~Alexandria Ocasio Cortez