Loading since the late 70s for over a dozen cartridges and a few dozen rifles. Best I can recall, that approach only ever benefited a few loads/rifles. Very few. Generally started out with the accepted OAL and took it from there. I'm still shooting some of those original loads in those same rifles, since that time. Wasn't broke, didn't need fixed.

That said, Stick never really bothered me all that much and I was "introduced" to him two decades ago at Shooters.com? Not the only eccentric mofo I've been acquainted with over nearly three decades on the planet, likely won't be the last?

What bothers me more, is some of the horseschit that now passes on here for discussion and discourse. Used to sarcasm and insults. But some of this crap is pretty pathetic.

If three or more people think you're a dimwit, chances are at least one of them is right.