I believe this winter the greenies will get a rude awakening throughout the world. The Brits built a huge wind turbine and found the wind doesn't always blow. They are now scrambling to buy all the coal they can find. The goofy Germans deconstructed their nuclear sites after [bleep] - not necassey as that was old technology and Germany isn't earthquake prone. The Germans are not getting all the natural gas they need from Russia and drum roll, they are buying all the coal they can find.
Chinese oligarchs have been instructed to buy all the coal they can find at any price form any country. Why? They are afraid of rolling blackouts this winter. They are building coal fired plants as fast as possible.The Chinese are exempt from any international carbon emissions because they are considered to the a "developing nation". IOndia is doing the same thing.
Solar and wind are not ready for prime time. The "reconciliation bill" pending mistake is calling for zero emissions for our energy grid by 2035! Absolutely not even close to happening. The "Squad" is not concerned with the climate. Rather, they are motivated to crush capitalism.
Wind and solar is mot scalable and cannot be considered suitable to be a base load.
I want to see green energy move thousands of cargo ships and move millions of containers to warehouses and stores. Let's go Brandon!

My home is the "sanctuary residence" for my firearms.