that's how it was intended in a way, to be above govt regulation and as a way to combat inflation and exchange rates. the "problem" is until it stabilizes and finds it's equilibrium it can fluctuate as people buy and sell, BUT they all keep appreciating, so as a 5,10,20 year hold it could and will pay off huge unless the government does some radical legislation against it or tax it at 90%. that scenario is unlikely because it is so easy for the average joe to set up an account and buy, politicians are contending with millions of users, and not just a few fringe folks living on the dark web. Granted no one can predict the future, but history and trends show it's the wave of the future potentially. like anything don't bet more than you can afford to lose.

Beware of any old man in a profession where one usually dies young.

Calm seas don't make sailors.