Originally Posted by MontanaCreekHunter
Originally Posted by Colorado1135
Bitcoin can still be mined and is only at about 3/4 of it mined that can be. every coin mined makes the next one harder to mine so although greatly limited and requiring lots of energy to do so it hasn't reached it's 21 million cap yet since there's only about 14 million out there now.

Shib is back up to .00007589 as of this moment, no way I'm selling right now even to take my initial investment out, it's a long term hold for me. I've bought in 9 times and have an average of .00001222, but I have over 100 mil of them. my P&L for the day is double my initial investment, for me to pull any out now isn't an option. there has been a shift in the last week and more in the last 24 hours that has surged it. it's up 60% for the day and growing to a high of .00008768. my strategy is obviously different than yours regarding the cryptos and it looks like we're both making money. that's a good thing!

You have a lot to learn. The cap is 21 million. However some has already been lost both intentionally and unintentionally. This will continue to happen as time goes on. As I said the rough estimate is 14 million. I am not taking jabs at you, but you should really read up on it if you are or plan to invest in. Everyone agrees there will never be 21 Million, the actual number is going to change over time.

As for Shib it is a dangerous game play as you see fit. Your average buy in isn't low! You have 4 zeros and 1....., My average was .00000247 still not low but a fifth zero Ill take at buy in.

Lol I have a lot to learn? Ok. Spin it how you want. I was trying to be polite when I pointed out where you were wrong but whatever. Bitcoin had it's day and I admit I missed the boat as did a lot of folks, but it paved the way for the future.

Paper hands guru with a $20 buy in wants to lecture on percentages and feel superior that's fine. I think even you can see that holding 102 million is more than 11. After the correction last night we all saw coming, it stabilized (so far) above your advertised sell. Looks like you're out unless you pony up a lot more and increase your average or it comes down, but the trend says it looked won't. Lots of strategies out there and like I said I'm in it for the long haul which is why I keep buying. Yesterday with all the transactions burned a lot of coins. That's the angle I'm playing, doge has no cap and in my opinion a huge risk. Sure it bumped over night but it will settle back down in the mid 20s again most likely. I'm not claiming to know everything about crypto but I'm making great gains consistently across several platforms.
Good luck to you sir

Beware of any old man in a profession where one usually dies young.

Calm seas don't make sailors.