Originally Posted by MontanaCreekHunter

Colorado you might want to give this a view as I said Bitcoin will never reach 21 Million watch at about the 23:05 mark.

get under your skin did I? had to look around until you found something that supported your most recent claim. LOL and you called me insecure! first it was "it's already been done but so many are burned in wallets that can no longer be accessed so there's effectively only 14 mil" and now you're saying it can never reach there? not wasting anymore time on you or the video you managed to find. couldn't care less anyway, bitcoin is old news and it's only relevance is to show the potential of cryptos when they have the right model. I stand behind what I said and I'm right. I only answered this latest dribble from your handle because you addressed me directly. Your advice is as bad as your math, paper hands.

Beware of any old man in a profession where one usually dies young.

Calm seas don't make sailors.