Originally Posted by Sycamore
Originally Posted by LRoyJetson
Originally Posted by Sycamore
Originally Posted by 7mmbuster
My Money ain’t enough anymore. Now I’ve got to apologize for being racist!
I have never in my life walked by one of their kettles without dropping in a couple dollars. They were always pretty high on my list due to their response in the Johnstown Flood of 1977. Before the water had even went down, they were on the scene with food, water, and coffee.
But just as the left has poisoned everything else I ever had respect for, I don’t know why I’m surprised at this.

I never heard of centralnovanews before. are they credible?

I have always heard the SA did more good in WWII than the ARC, and more for the troops.


As far as credible, they are part of 30 “news”papers.
So status quo.

Please advise of credible source.

more info here


Why do you even contribute here? You need to analyze who and what you are.

A turd in the punch bowl is all you are and you don’t even know it.

No one here likes you and yet you continue to post and share your worthless opinions that are better suited to a liberal cesspool.

You need to look deep within yourself and take an accounting, move your thoughts and putrid perceptions to a board more suited to your poor intellect. Upon doing so, both here and where you would end up would be elevated in their content.

Originally Posted by RJY66

I was thinking the other day how much I used to hate Bill Clinton. He was freaking George Washington compared to what they are now.