Paraphrasing what they mean….“We really are upset people are withholding donations from us because of guidelines and pamphlets and propaganda we have published and pushed and supported and are hoping this blows over soon”

The Blaze article link

The way I read it all, it’s all legitimate stuff they’re pushing, nobody is inventing this, not fake news. They thought their pushing of “Let’s Talk About Racidm” was just to open conversation amongst people. The problem is, we are all sick of being called racists and sick of minorities claiming they’re victims just because they are a minority.

From The linked article above:
In a guidebook titled, "Let's Talk About Racism," the charity asks donors to consider the ways in which they have "consciously or unconsciously" supported prejudicial systems that inflict harm on racial minorities, adding that it "acknowledges with regret, that Salvationists have sometimes shared in the sins of racism and conformed to economic, organizational and social pressures that perpetuate racism."