Good evening to you my cyber friend, I hope the first day of the last month of what's proven to be an eventful year finds you and yours well.

My late father went from horses only on the prairies through watching man land on the moon up to cell phones. I always thought he saw a whole lot of change in his life, but here we are now right?

Honestly speaking of cell phones though, when I watched the crew of the Enterprise with the little communicators they had, I expected to have phazers before that. We had VHF radios in the tractors, combines and trucks on the farm, but they were big things and only worked maybe 20 miles mobile to mobile.

The first computer our school got was donated by a bank and it took 6 of us to move it on and off the back of a pickup truck. I doubt it had a fraction of ability most phones have now.

Sometimes when I'm sitting on a mountain and there's no overhead airline traffic and I can't hear logging equipment, which admittedly isn't that often, but when it does happen I wonder what life would be like if it stayed quiet like that, you know?

It's interesting for sure though what some of the younger set call "way back".

On the other side of the coin, our youngest is a high school teacher and when the inner webs broked off two weeks ago, she said that very few of her Grade 8 class knew how to get information out of a textbook. That concerned her mightily as you can well imagine.

All the best to you and yours as we head into the Christmas Season.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"