Originally Posted by EdM
Fortran 4 punch cards circa 1980. More than once I spelled something wrong early on, my name included, just to have them kicked back and hours of rerun.

Computer Science and Fortran punch cards in ‘72 🤬. I think we got one run on the school (Ole Miss) computer a day. One comma, a period, or space out of place and the computer would spit it out. Dammit! If the mistake wasn’t bad enough to get spit out, one wrong entry and you could end up with a five inch stack of paper print outs with one number on each sheet. That was probably THE most frustrating courses I took as a required course for ROTC. I think I got a B out of the course but, most importantly, I learned how stupid computers are.

NRA Life,Endowment,Patron or Benefactor since '72.