Having gone through similar circumstances, I extend my sincerest sympathies for the loss of your soulmate. If I may suggest, search out a grief counselor - I was at the state of simply imploding when a close friend more or less said that if I didn't go, he and couple of big goons would come get me and make me go. It was the only way I survived. You have a lot of living left, and your wife would want you to make the best of all the opportunities that come your way. But you have to grieve before you can go on, and then you get the point when you begin celebrating her life instead of mourning her passing. Some of the strongest guys I know, never could get past this step and only grief counseling made it possible for them to go forward. I hope that time brings healing to you and your family.

Most respectfully,

AKA The P-Man smile

If you cherish your memories with kids, be a good role model . . . . so the RIGHT memories of you mean something to them.