I'm amazed at the number of relatively powerful and newer computers that people give up on. I expect most of them now are seeing that their box is too old to upgrade to Win 11 so they scrap em.

Found a beast of an HP gamer computer at the recycle center. It has a 6 cpu, 12 core Intel Core I7 and 12 gigs of ram. It needed a hard drive and Linux installed. Works great and it was free!

Here's a cool detail about modern versions of Linux like Rocky is talking about. They install devices and set themselves up every time they start. Which means you can pull the hard drive out of one computer and stick it in another and have it work perfectly.

I used to like and recommend chromebooks but not any more. A high end chromebook can sometimes be erased and have linux installed and work beautifully, but it's pretty technical.

We all know advertising works, we just don’t think it works on US!