Originally Posted by RockyRaab
That's true, but it might be a bit beyond a lot of folk's abilities. I haven't explored it yet, but isn't Tails an Arch-based OS? If so, it's probably a booger to install.

The OS I recommend are either Ubuntu or Debian based and have very simple installation tracks. Arch is for geeks.

No Rocky Tails is Debian-based and easy to use. for those with a windows based system they can use Rufus to make the bootable USB with or they can Rufus to burn the ISO file. If they want it on a DVD or CD they can burn the ISO file onto that with windows. Instructions Here.

I like booting it best from a USB3 but some may not.

Tails will boot from the usb and leave no traces of your surfing or anything else you do unless you tell it to.

Those not comfortable with doing "techie" things can even buy it preloaded onto a thumb drive off of ebay for cheap.


"I'd rather see a sermon than hear a sermon".... D.A.D.

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