Originally Posted by chlinstructor

I’m not dodging anything you obtuse little prick. Clearly reading comprehension is not your forte. And unlike you, I don’t live in a “neighborhood”. But you obviously believe your an Eggspurt on TX and TV drama.
Most likely a Biden supporter would be my guess. And a sore loser to boot. Now run along and go Fuqk yourself.

You can tell when you lost the argument by resorting to vulgarity and unrelated innuendo. You really need to give up.

I have 1 weakness that you can’t tolerate, I have watched a show that is shallow and inaccurate. You, however, watched the same show and like it. That’s not the problem, the problem is there are too many aspects of the show that just don’t make it a well thought out story.

Sam Elliott is too old, he doesn’t know how poorly outfitted his subjects are, before they even leave. When they get on their way , he doesn’t know enough about people or their abilities or preparation and they unload pianos and cook stoves from the wagons to cross a river he knew they would have to cross and he didn’t tell them before they left about how much they could haul in their wagons.

Shooting revolvers at bandits for several miles while riding a running horse and never running out of ammunition, standing by while the cutesy girl “cowboy” shoots the last bandit, camping days and not moving…

The holes in this film are legion, and yet you resort to name calling and poor skills in debate. You may want to call a friend to help you out, you aren’t doing too good as you still haven’t addressed the poor quality of the film’s writing or acting. Keep blaming me, but I didn’t put this attempt to make a historic depiction on television, I only watched it, hoping it would have been a better portrayal of the migration west in 1883.

Originally Posted by RJY66

I was thinking the other day how much I used to hate Bill Clinton. He was freaking George Washington compared to what they are now.