Nope. Sorry sir, but its all on Biden and his voters. The first day his diapered ass hit the seat in the oval orafice, he killed the keystone pipeline, ANWAR, drilling on federal lands, and got us back into the Paris Climate Accords....while approving the Nord Stream pipeline....and probably reinstated some regulations on the oil industry that Trump got rid of, plus some other stuff I have forgotten or left out......all the while pushing AOC's green new fantasy in his "build back better" plan.

Obviously this put significant upward pressure on oil prices which gave Putin's Russia a significant raise in pay. They are after all " a gas station with nukes". No, Putin is not a nice person and I got no use for him. But what Biden did is no different than buying a known thug a gun and then acting surprised when he kills someone with it. In a court of law that is called an accessory to murder and Biden and his stupid voters are an accessory to the murder of Ukraine. Yes, Putin ordered the invasion and Russian soldiers are pulling the triggers but Biden helped with the funding. He even essentially green lighted the whole thing with his stupid comment about not doing much if its just a "minor incursion".

I'm sure the Mullahs in Iran are loving these oil prices too. Biden has certainly built OPEC back better and seems well on his way to building the Soviet Union back better but America not so much.

And this is just how he fugged up energy. We can talk about Afghanistan and the border some other time.

Last edited by RJY66; 02/26/22.

"Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants". --- William Penn