700LH, yes Russia has more equipment and manpower than Ukraine. Britian had more than the US in our war for independence. Russia has already lost about 1500 tanks. Most due to mechanical failures with Ukrainian farmers dragging them off. Russia hasn't maintained their equipment. The tanks have been proven weak against hand launched rockets and drones. The Russian troops don't really want to fight, most are conscripts, not volunteers. Russia also has a huge border to guard, even with minimal troops, it takes a lot.

My wife's family came from Ukraine around the turn of the last century. Some stayed. The one's in America sent money to their kin after the communists took over in the 1920's. They hated the Russians. Ukrainians still do. During the communist take over, because they didn't think they were producing enough wheat, Stalin killed around 20-30 million Ukrainians, nationalized the private farms, and moved ethnic Russians in to run the place. The hatred goes back to the 1920's. Regardless of the Ukranian corruption, they still hate the Russians. We also have a corrupt government ran by Democrats. Ukrainian people will be far better allies than Russia ever will be.

Remember Hitler, he wanted to unite all the German speaking people, took Austria and Czechoslovakia without firing a shot. Then tried to take Poland. Putin is the same way, he is very much for Russia, and very pro-Russia. But, he want's the old Soviet Union put back together. Even if he took Ukraine, it won't stop there while he is in office.