Originally Posted by Sheister
If Ukraine had cleaned up the corruption they promised to take care of by now, they would be members of NATO and this would have been over by now. Instead, the Ukrainian Oligarchs and politicians have made Ukraine a pariah on the world stage instead of cleaning up their act for mutual protection. They are reaping the seeds they have sown. I feel for the innocent people who are being killed and injured by the thug Putin, but this is what happens when you don't take care of your own back yard.


Add to that the fact that the Ukrainians are Russians & that half the country would be happy being a part of Russia again as they were in the past.

The US cannot afford to be the world's defender of every chickenschitt, corrupt schitthole country in the world, especially when it is not a direct danger to us.

Most all of eastern Europe is just about as corrupt too; I've been there.