Were it mine, and I wish it were as we’re the same age, I’d do some fixing myself. I’d not want it to grow larger, and it can be done invisibly.

I would chisel a small canal along the crack under the buttplate. I would then drill a hole, about 1/8” in diameter, at the very end of the crack, about an inch or even a bit longer. I’d do the same at the top or tip under the buttplate, as well as several along the crack. I would then use AcraGlas Gel, colored to match the wood, and work the epoxy into all those holes with toothpicks, then spread it like peanut butter in the little canal. I would use a straight edge of some kind to get rid of excess epoxy. Coat the buttplate with release agent (or wax, PAM, etc.), then screw it on normally. You should not have excess that squishes out, but if you do, just wipe it off.

In the top of the stock which shows in the photos, I would use Super Glue. This will seal the crack from the outside. Wipe off excess immediately. You may want to do this a couple times.

This sounds more complex than it is, and I only suggest AcraGlas as it’s easily available from Brownell’s and I have had much success with it. Many other epoxies would work well also.

The big idea is to hog enough wood from the crack to allow the epoxy to bind and hold strongly. The Super Glue trick was passed to me by David Trevallion.

Last edited by GF1; 04/15/22.