watch the recent den pobediy ( victory) parade in Moscow and observe Russians, including govt officials, making sign of the cross during the parade. Russians view this as a battle for their souls just like in WWII. Of course the west will never really understand Russia to their detriment

You can observe this now in how the US and Russia prepared differently for this war and how they are proceeding, strategizing during this war. Hint the west, despite overwhelming resources and money, aint doing so well.

wonder why?

Originally Posted by Bristoe
I don't. Hitler could work a crowd like Putin can only dream of. Also, Hitler never missed the opportunity to tell the crowd that their fellow Germans was the most valuable asset any of them could ever have. He instilled pride in his people.

I've yet to see Putin working a crowd like that.

Putin just points out the Western decadence that's trying to work its way into Russia yet again.

In that respect, he may be a little like Hitler. Both Hitler and Putin understood the source of the decadence that was working to destroy western culture.

I don't think either of them understood that it was Satanic, however. Towards the end, I think Hitler may have gotten an inkling of the true situation.

Despite his Russian Orthodox leanings, I don't think Putin has made the connection, yet.

Last edited by ribka; 05/18/22.