Originally Posted by New_2_99s
Had a great upbringing from 2 fine parents.

That's not to say, we 3 boys didn't get into trouble & face the fair consequences.

I think, the angriest I made him, was when I was about 14 & we were camping for the holidays.

He was sitting in a lawn chair, on the beach drinking a cold beer, as I came up from the boat, feeling cocky about the 2 nice spotted mackeral (I thing you guys call them spanish macks) I'd caught.

When he asked me, how the fishing was, I slapped him in the side of the head, with 1 of the fish & said, "how'd you think" !!

That didn't end well !

But I'm smilin like heck, reliving the story.

Ballsy, lol.

You deserved what you got and you deserve the right to look back on it and laugh.