I didn’t have a great home life. My dad beat my mom in front of me and my brother until she divorced him when I was five. I rarely saw him after that. He’s 5’9” I saw him after not seeing him for a few years shortly after my 15th birthday and was already 6’3” 200 pounds. I picked an argument and told him that I was bigger and was going to beat his azz. Idk if I could have or not being still a kid but he didn’t know either. I ran my mouth and told him everything I had to say while he back peddled to his truck and left. I’ve seen him once since at my grandmothers funeral 12 years ago. We were civil but haven’t spoke since.

For whatever shortcomings I have in life working hard to be successful and being the best father and stepfather that I can be have always been the two things that I take the most pride in. To my dads credit my mother always told us that our dad wasn’t a great husband or father but was always a hard worker.