There was many , but I guess the chicken was a good one .
We lived at a place called chicken hill .
Cause it was old chicken houses converted to houses .
On the far side lived this Cherokee family .
The man was full Cherokee and his wife half .
Anyway I hung out over there a lot and he liked me and would tell me stories .
So one day he says here I made this for you .
It was a bow and couple arrows .
Wasn’t to impressed at first till he showed me how to shoot it .
He told me the process of making it , but don’t recall now .
Any way J had just enough ass to draw it enough to shoot through a card board box .
No broad head , I think the tip was fire hardened of something like that .
Anyway , now I’m amped up and going to get me a rabbit.
There was a big area of cedars on the side of the hill . I hunted my ass off and the only thing in the cedars was the old lady next doors chickens .
So not having any kills under my belt , I thought you shoot the critter and it falls dead , quietly, wrong !
Stalked them till I was a couple feet , drawed and fired that arrow .
I don’t know what the odds were that I would connect , but connect I did .
That’s when I got introduced to reality .
That friggin thing didn’t just quietly fall dead , it went to flopping and squawking and the other chickens flushed , squawking and flew into the ole woman’s yard .
Gathering attention, and the stuck chicken was flopping around raising all sorts of hell , I’m freaking out .
Finally it goes hobbling and squawking into her yard and being a dumbass kid I was chasing it till I came face to face with the ole lady .
Froze in my tracks , she’s glaring at me and I break run back into the cedars .
I’m hiding wondering what to do .
So it’s getting toward dark and I slip around the hill we’re she can’t see me , hide the bow and arrows under the porch .
When I went in , dad was setting there half drunk and pissed .
Where’s that [bleep] bow ?
What bow ?
At the top of his lungs
You better get that [bleep] bow in here now !
I knew not to say what bow again and dashed out the door and got it , handed it to him he broke the arrows over his knee and ripped the strings from the bow .
Arrows, bow in one hand and me by the nape of the neck in the other he marched over to the ole woman’s house ,arms crossed she stared on while seeing her justice being dealt .
Don’t remember what it cost besides some bruises and welps , but we was all poor folks and a chicken wasn’t to be taken lightly .
Old Indian came over and talked to dad a few days later , but didn’t change nothing .
Except ole man started getting his liquor fir him .
Didn’t proof read , fugg the spelling