You gave that guy a heckuva story.😀

I've gutted a few deer for others, including first deer for my son, a nephew and a girlfriend. I also gutted what's possibly my dad's last deer.

You mentioned an Appy/Thoroughbred cross. My wife's aunt had one. Might have had a bit of Morgan mixed in, but I can't remember for sure. Anyway, this horse, Dakota, loved to run and run fast. None of her other horses could touch him, including a much taller QH. I loved riding Dakota and letting him go, especially on stretch of quiet Lake Michigan beach. He would run until I started hauling in on the reins and usually it took about all my strength to get his attention. He would gradually slow to a choppy gate and punish my spine for a minute or two in retaliation for slowing him down.

Good times.

4 out of 5 Great Lakes prefer Michigan. smile