Have you ever gutted a deer for a new hunter?

Yes, I have gutted several for others their first time, two elk as well. I try to do it for someone only once, though I once make exceptions.

My uncle Elmer was the master deer and elk hunter when I was a kid. At twelve I dropped the first deer of the day, a very nice four point. We fiirst drug it down to the base of a gully that we could get his jeep to.

We then tugged its head uphill so it would drain. He prided himself (rightly so, on his skills. After the traditional "watch close, the next time it is all yours" he began.

He liked to open the body cavity in one smooth motion and he did this time as usual. Unfortunately, I had both lung and liver shot it. He was covered to his knees in hot liver blood. He never flinched and completed the work in short order. It then went in the back of his F-Head jeep and we weere off to town heater blazing. Even today, sixty-odd years later the smell of liver blood makes me gag.