I've had mine almost 4 years this Fall. I absolutely love mine. It does have limitations. LIke what Mule Deer said. I shoot a lot of NRL22 so need some pretty accurate velocities. Mine won't pick up a standard velocity 22 unless I use the air gun or archery trigger/microphone. Several guys I know have some how figured out how to get their LR to pick up 22 LR. I picked up the archery microphone right off the bat since I worked at a large archery shop. It worked great, indoors, for archery. It works quite well for 22 LR except on windy days where it picks up false readings from the wind as well as any "noisy" shooters several benches away. When trying to obtain speeds on a distant target I was shooting over a 25 yd target backer and it would scatter the radar before being able to pick up the bullet headed to the 100 or 200 yd backer. Moved over a bench and problem solved. Have, on several occasions when at the range on a Friday (I work four 10's) called LR CS and had awesome CS. I did use an after market battery pack, capable of starting a truck, and it somehow (LR CS said it was a 1 in a million odds) fried a circuit. I did it twice. LR fixed it for free. "Buy a battery like ours" they said. Haven't had an issue yet. I use it almost weekly.
